Executive Committee

  • Honorary Secretary 名譽秘書

    Ir. Dr. Aaron Tong   唐偉國博士

    Principal Consultant

    A. Education, Training and Professional Affiliations


    Qualification / Professional Affiliation


    The HK Awards for Industry: Quality

    External Assessor (1999-2001)


    City University of Hong Kong - Dept. of Sys. Engg. & Engg. Mgt.

    Visiting Lecturer & Industrial Advisor (2003-2015)


    The University of Hong Kong

    Part time Lecturer (2008-)


    Hong Kong Electronics & Technologies Association (HKETA)

    Vice Chairman (2012- Present)


    American Society for Quality



    Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ)

    Chairman (2000-2003)


    The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - MIE Division

    Chairman (2005-2007)


    The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers – MIE-DAP Chairman

    Chairman (2010-2013)


    The Hong Kong Association for The Advancement of Science and Technology (HKAAST)

    President (2006-2007)


    Institute of Industrial Engineer (IIE) HK Chapter

    President (1998-1999)


    The University of Hong Kong - Industrial Engineering Association

    Chairman (1997-1999)


    The HK University of Science and Technology

    Guest Lecturer


    Asia International Open University (Macau)

    Guest Lecturer


    Six Sigma Society of Hong Kong

    Industrial Advisor


    American Society for Quality (ASQ)

    Approved Trainer for 6 Sigma Black Belt Course


    ISO Technical Committee

    Observer in the ISO Technical Committee TC 176: Quality management and quality assurance


    Hong Kong Quality Management Association



    Great China Leapfrog Teaching Foundation

    Vice Chairman


    Guangdong-HK Association for the Promotion of Technology Enterprise (HK) Ltd

    Chairman (2013-present)


    The Government of the HKSAR-VTC, Electronics and Telecommunications Training Board

    Vice Chairman (2012-2014 June)


    Hong Kong Critical Components

    Manufacturers Association Ltd.

    International Liaison sub-com. Chairman (2011-present)



    Hong Kong R&D Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies-Expert Review Panel member Jan.2013 to Dec.2016




    • The founder, Managing Director and Principal Consultant of the TQM CONSULTANTS CO. LIMITED, Ir. Dr. Aaron TONG, is well experienced in the consultancy profession. He worked at Silicon Valley of USA. During his tenure, he had worked with many Tier 1 Companies like IBM, HP, Sun Microsystems, Cisco.
    • For over 25 years, Dr. TONG has conducted management system certification consultancy, business improvement, process re-engineering, benchmarking and total quality management projects covering various business sectors - servicing, manufacturing, public/NGO and multi-national corporations.
    • Dr. TONG has personally led and conducted consultancy services for various government departments, NGOs and public utilities such as the Architectural Services Department, Civil Aviation Department, Civil Engineering & Development Department, Drainage Services Department, Water Supplies Department, Electrical & Mechanical Services Department, Hong Kong Judiciary, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, HACTL, etc. Under Dr. TONG’s guidance, TQM owns about 70% the HKSAR Government Management System (Certification, i.e. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 etc.) Consultancy market share; and participates in feasibility studies for major decisions & business improvement endeavours; and facilitates staff opinion surveys of various Government Departments.
  • HonoraryTreasurer 名譽司庫

    Mr KK Hau   候經權先生

    Mr. Hau has been in the civil service for thirty years, working in the Hong Kong Government Standards and Calibration Laboratory in setting up and managing Hong Kong’s primary reference laboratories, and then in the Innovation and Technology Commission in support to the administration of the Innovation and Technology Fund.


    With experience in high precision measurements, Mr. Hau has been serving as a technical assessor of the calibration and testing laboratories under the HOKLAS (Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme).

    An electronics hobbyist since school days, Mr. Hau has innovated a number of electronic circuit topologies for power control applications, such as those for LED driving and dimming.  So far he has been granted / filed eight patents.

    Mr. Hau obtained his first degree B Sc Eng and then M Phil, both in electronics engineering, from the University of Hong Kong. Being an enthusiast in alternative medicine and medical electronics, he has also obtained Advanced Certificates in Human Physiology and Nutrition from the University of Hong Kong. 


  • Community Service Sub-com Chairman 社區服務委員會主席

    Mr Cyril Kan   簡斯任先生

    Ray Electronics Ltd