Membership Sub-com

Mr George Kui
Membership Sub-com Chairman

As member of HKETA, you can enjoy below benefits:


  1. Enjoy lower Networking Dinner fee;
  2. The networking dinner presentations files if agreed by speakers, will be available upon on request;
  3. The Annual Event - Mini Exhibition/Member Showcase will only be opened to Corporate/ Associate members for booth exhibitors;
  4. Enjoy special offer or discount of the entrance fee for designated events (complimentary tickets for members for coming Symposium and special discount for joining HKETA Pavilion booths of exhibition);
  5. Business matching events are for members only;
  6. Welcome to all activities organised by HKETA (note: some activities will be limited to members only);
  7. Receive e-Notice on varies events from Secretariat from time to time;
  8. Company details will be published at the Annual Book;
  9. Corporate Membership has voting right at the Annual General Meeting.
  10. Corporate Membership is eligible to be elected into Executive Committee.