Visit to ASTRI


25th July 2014 (Fri)
Visit:  9:30am – 12 noon (Free)
Boardroom, 5/F Photonics Centre, 2 Science Park East Ave., HK Science Park, Shatin

Programme rundown:

9:30am          ASTRI’s corporate video and overview
10:15am       Introductions of ASTRI’s projects
11:15am       Discussions
11:30am       Showroom tours to SI and SNS
12:00 noon   Programme ends
12:15pm       Networking luncheon (HK$200 per person)

Technologies covered:
1.  Big Data Analytics and Data Mining Algorithms
2.  Networking security
3.  Optical
4.  Biomedical
5.  Health Care
6.  Advanced Manufacturing such as Robotic
7.  Lighting and Control

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