HKETA = Feb 2021 Networking Sharing Webinar


FEB Networking Sharing (Online)



Date:  26 Feb 2021 (Fri)

Time:  5:00pm


2021 is a year of awakening.  Many of our buyers can no longer predict what their customers want in the new world of COVID, VUCA, and US China Tension.  At the same time, we need to start finding, sensing, and grabbing new markets.  Is the Digital and Space Economy the next goldmine?  Where and how to start?

Prof. Gregg Li, a co-founder of the Orion Astropreneur Space Academy and an Adjunct Professor of Space Entrepreneurship at the University of Hong Kong, shall share with us his insights, predictions, and suggestions.


Program Rundown

(1) Notes from Chairman

(2) Dr. Gregg's talk - How to Gain a Toehold in the New Space Economy 如何在太空經濟先拔頭籌 - Dr. Gregg Li


(3) Chit Chat with Kenneth - 英國生活及商機如何? 一起來與 Kenneth So 談談 (互動環節)Mr. Kenneth So, HKETA former Honorary Advisor.


Here's the Zoom ID and password:

會議 ID:985 7128 9541