March 2021 Networking Sharing (Online)


Theme:  A Frontier Application: A.I. in Healthcare


Date:  26 MAR 2021 (Fri)
Time: 7pm 


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Topic 1: AI Solution for Smart Hospital - by Ms. Monica Leung, Founder & Director of Blueinno Technology, & Mr. Calvin Kam, Technical Leader of Blueinno Technology


[Abstract] Artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting the healthcare industry. In this talk, the speakers will share the latest AI technologies that can be deployed in smart hospitals.


[Bio] Ms. Monica Leung is Founder & Director of Blueinno Technology. Blueinno recently founded a new AI division that focuses on providing artificial intelligence video analytics solutions in healthcare and security. The team recently won 3 awards (Overall Winner, 1st place in Localization Accuracy, 1st place in Classification Accuracy) in AI Challenges competition organized by Hospital Authority and HK Science and Technology Parks Corporation. This is the first competition in Hong Kong that focuses on using AI for smart hospitals on surgical counting.

[Bio] Mr. Calvin Kam is Technical Leader of Blueinno Technology. Calvin holds a First Class Honour Degree in Computer Science from Hong Kong Baptist University, and is also a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CUHK. Calvin’s research interest is Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision. He has strong beliefs that AI technology can benefit the society.


Topic 2: Industrial Revolution and Progress of Space- by Dr. Stephen Cheung, Researcher in Silicon Valley


[Abstract] Industry 4.0 has started and it builds on the accomplishments of 3.0.  This talk looks at the characteristics of industrial revolutions and how one rides on the previous ones.  The 21st century is about Space with the space economy projected to be in the trillions of US$ (reference: Talk to HKETA in Nov 2019).  It is very likely that Space will have a significant role in the coming Industry 5.0.


[Bio] Dr. Stephen W. Cheung is a frequent speaker of a variety of topics in HKETA monthly gatherings.  He is VP of a technology group in the Silicon Valley, California.  He is Adjunct Professor of Physics at the University of Hong Kong and a member of the International Council for the Orion Astropreneur Space Academy, Hong Kong.