HKETA = Apr 2021 Networking Sharing (Online)


Theme:  UK Opportunity


Date:  30 APR 2021 (Fri)
Time: 7pm 


CLICK HERE for online registration

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Topic 1: “Second Life in the UK”, by Mr. Danny Lau, Immigration Advisory of Red Deer Global

                           View of the UK from a HongKonger

                    - Business establishment and opportunity

                    - Family Life: living & education

                    - Next steps


Topic 2: “Brexit’s new rules and market access implications”, by Ms Angel Siu, Operations Manager, Consumer Technology Division, UL International Limited (Hong Kong)


[Abstract]: Staying abreast of market entry requirements is more important than ever as the regulatory landscape in the U.K. and EU finally reached an agreement. In September 2020, the U.K. Government announced that the implementation period for the UKCA marking. The UKCA marking will apply to most goods currently subject to the CE marking and can be used from January 2021. However, to allow business time to comply with the new requirements, CE marking can still be used until Jan 1, 2022, provided that requirements for the EU and U.K. legislation with continue to be the same. How would you manage a smooth transition of your products to the new changing requirements?