BEC EnviroSeries Online Conference 4 June 2021


HKETA is the supporting organization of BEC EnviroSeries Online Conference2021: Redefining Business Leadership for Green Growth


Date / Time / Format

4 June 2021, 09:15 to 16:45, Online



The world is changing at considerable pace well before the outbreak of COVID-19. For better or worse, the global pandemic has accelerated and intensified some of those changes, escalated doubt and concern about the ‘old normal’ and is driving calls for a green recovery and a better future for all – a common vision that embraces sustainability, resilience, equity, diversity, and one with which people can live well and within planetary boundaries.


For the business sector, unprecedented disruptions to the markets and supply chains and challenges in operations in the past years have led to short-term solutions as companies of all sizes adapt for survival. Reflecting on the impact of COVID-19 in the broader context of conventional business model, strategies and practices, forward-thinking companies are already on the move. They are looking to stay relevant and ahead in an uncompromising business environment coupled with ever-changing consumer behaviours and expectations. Business leaders are studying the megatrends that would impact them and trying to evolve and transform for long-term business sustainability that creates value not just to their shareholders, but also to their stakeholders and society at large. As the world has changed, so must business leadership. This is not about making a tweak here and there; this is more about fundamental mindset shift and radical action that would lead to transformative change in the way how we conduct business, how we see and optimise business influence, how business connects with people and nature, and how business success is being measured.

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