


With the support of the supporting organizations, guests, friends and members, the Symposium was held successfully on 27 Oct 2021. Thanks for The Hon Alfred Sit, JP, Secretary for Innovation & Technology being our Guest of Honor.


***Please CLICK HERE for the replay of the Symposium***


Details and more photos will be updated soon!





Date日期                      : 27 / 10 / 2021 (Wednesday 星期三)


Time時間                       : 10:30am – 4:10pm / GMT + 8


Venue地點                     : THE STAGE, HALL 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre & Online Streaming

                                        香港會議展覽中心The Stage及線上直播 

                                       (Attendants are welcomed to participate the event in either format 歡迎參會人士親身



Language語言               : English and Putonghua (With simultaneous interpretation service

                                        英語及普通話 (附設即時傳譯服務)


Remarks備註                 : Free admission (Please click HERE to register online 免費登記 (請「按此」登記)


Note: CPD Accreditation
Delegates who would like to receive CPD certificate at the Symposium, please check the option in this registration form.
Soft CPD Certificate will be sent to the registered email addresses after the Symposium.




Supporting Organizations

Automotive Platforms and Application Systems R&D Centre (汽車科技研發中心)
Business Environment Council
City University of Hong Kong - Department of Electronic Engineering
GS1 Hong Kong
Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited
Hong Kong Baptist University)
Hong Kong Cyberport
Hong Kong Electronics Industry Council
Hong Kong IoT Alliance
Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association
Hong Kong Metropolitan University
Hong Kong Productivity Council
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association
IEEE Hong Kong Section
IVE - Engineering Discipline
Lingnan University
Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
Nano & Advanced Materials Institute
Smart City Consortium
The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Department of Electronic Engineering
The Education University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association Limited
The Hong Kong Information Technology Federation
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Electronics Division)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Department of Electronic & Information Engineering
The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering
The Information and Software Industry Association
The Institution of Engineering and Technology
The University of Hong Kong - Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering