Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Programme (HKETA supporting program)


Fluorescent lamps, especially compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), reduce electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, some components can be recycled. The lamps contain metal, glass and tiny amount of mercury. The mercury is well within international safety limits, but since mercury is a toxic substance, care should be taken during the collection and disposal of the used lamps. To this end, the Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Programme (FLRP) for households has been established by the lighting industry, with support from the Environmental Protection Department (EPD), to collect and treat mercury-containing lamps in line with international practices.

For more details or any enquiries, please contact Ms. Angela Ng / Mr. Mark Tong of EPD at 2594 6556 / 2594 6564 (email: nguhong@epd.gov.hk / marktong@epd.gov.hk ) or visit the Programme’s webpage at:  https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/en/household/flrp_intro.htm

For more details and registration, please CLICK HERE.