
STEM Workshop on Hour of Code at CityU Apps Lab


Our HKETA Executive Committee Member and STEM Club Chairman of Youth Sub-committee, Ms. Monica Leung was invited by CityU Apps Lab (CAL) to provide a STEM Workshop – “Introduction to Arduino” at Hour Of Code at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) on 7th April, 2019.  ‘Hour of Code’ was first started by in US since 2013.  CityU Apps Lab (CAL) is one of the leading organizations in Hong Kong to hold free workshops for young students and adults to learn to code.


This Arduino workshop aims to provide training for students and school teachers about engineering and coding with the Arduino hardware platform. In the long term, students will develop computational and problem-solving skills, and able to turn their ideas into real industry prototypes to solve real-life problems.


Our Youth’s STEM Club consist of a group of passionate and young professionals on STEM development and educational activity for local community.  Our mission is to develop, organize and support STEM events and activities to industry, educational institutes, and universities to promote STEM in the market.  Our Youth team will continue to support CityU Apps Lab (CAL) ‘s STEM activities in the coming future. 


Youth Events  | STEM Club

STEM Workshop on Hour Of Code At CityU Apps Lab