
STEM Workshop on Cyber-security for VTC STEM Education Centre


HKETA Youth was invited by VTC STEM Education Centre to provide few sessions of STEM workshop for secondary schools in the VTC STEM Summer Camp in Hong Kong.  Our HKETA Youth Member, and STEM Club Chairman, Ms. Monica Leung delivered the first session of a cyber-security workshop for over 40 secondary students and VTC students at VTC STEM Education Centre on 17 July 2019 at VTC/IVE Tsing Yi.


This workshop aims to provide basic knowledge and some practical training on cyber-security awareness, which is supported and recognized by our international partner, San Jose State University (SJSU), Silicon Valley Centre for Global Studies (SVCGS).  The training content is informative with different activities to let students experience about password setting and message encryption.  At the end of the workshop, we also demonstrated a real case of cyber attack - "WannaCry". 


Our Youth’s STEM Club consists of a group of passionate and young professionals on STEM development and educational activity for local community.  Our mission is to develop, organize and support STEM events and activities to industry, educational institutes, and universities to promote STEM in the market.  Our Youth team will continue to support VTC STEM Education Centre’s STEM activities in the coming future. 


Youth Events  | STEM Club