
IFF2019 Winner : ADHDreamer Received Two Innovation Awards in SVIC Finalist Showcase 2020 at SJSU


One of the winners, Most Innovative Idea Award of Innovate For Future 2019 Competition (IFF2019) : ADHDreamer has been invited to be the finalist of Silicon Valley Innovation Challenge (SVIC) Showcase 2020 through San Jose State University (SJSU) global program.  The school team has pitched their innovative idea and showcase their creativity to industry leaders, investors and recruiters in Dec 1, 2020


Congratulations to the ADHDreamer Team from St. Paul’s Convent School, who was among hundreds of submitted university teams, won the Best Overall Innovation #2, and Best Healthcare Innovation Award in SVIC Finalist Showcase 2020.  The ADHDreamer team developed a mobile app which helps ADHD kids to improve their focus / attention through playing games. 


Our Innovate For Future (IFF) is an open competition of innovation and technology to inspire Young Students from Secondary Schools and Higher Educational Institutes/Universities in Hong Kong to build innovative products and/or services to solve real life problems.  IFF2020 is currently undergoing the idea submission period, and the winners will be submitted to SVIC Final Showcase next year.


For Details:

Silicon Valley Innovation Challenge (SVIC): 

Innovate For Future: