
Guidebook for New Accelerated Reliability Improvement Methodology “is Now Available for Download




The “Guidebook for New Accelerated Reliability Improvement Methodology “is Now Available for Download

"Enhance the Electronic Product’s Reliability” Program is a project organized by Hong Kong Electronics & Technologies Association Limited (HKETA), collaborating by the Hong Kong Critical Components Manufacturers Association (HKCCMA) and implemented by Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) and with the funding provided by SME Development Fund from Trade and Industry Department of the HKSAR. The purpose of the project is to help Hong Kong companies in the electronics industry to have a better understanding of the highly accelerated life testing technology to improve the quality and reliability of their products.  The “Guidebook for New Accelerated Reliability Improvement Methodology with Case Studies” is one of the deliverables of the Project. This guidebook introduced & demonstrated the new accelerated reliability improvement methodology with case studies. It could be downloaded for free from the Hong Kong Electronics & Technologies Association Limited (HKETA), the Hong Kong Critical Components Manufacturers Association (HKCCMA) and Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) websites.  User may as well CLICK HERE to download the guidebook.