
2016-2017 Executive Committee Members


Per our AGM on 27th Nov 2015, the Executive Committee Members for the year 2016-2017 were elected accordingly:
Chairman : Ir Victor NG
Deputy Chairman : Mr Victor CHOI
Vice Chairman : Mr Eric CHAN
Vice Chairman : Mr Derek LEE
Vice Chairman : Mr Lawrence LI
Vice Chairman : Mr Myron KWAN
Vice Chairman : Ir Dr Aaron TONG
Vice Chairman : Mr William YIM
Vice Chairman : Mr Gary YU
Hon Secretary : Mr Andrew IP
Hon Treasurer : Dr Teresa LAW
Exco Member : MrFranklin CHAN
Exco Member : Mr Daniel CHUN
Exco Member : Mr KK HAU
Exco Member : Mr Cyril KAN
Exco Member : Miss Miranda LEE
Exco Member : Miss Monica LEUNG
Exco Member : Mr Matthew MAN
Exco Member : Dr Martin TSAI
Exco Member : Mr Joe WONG