
HKIE Electronics Symposium 2016 at HKSTP


The Electronics Symposium 2016 was organized by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), Electronics Division and supported by HKETA on 14th April 2016 in the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park.  The theme of this symposium this year was “Smart City – Cliché or Real Challenge” and 2 keynotes, 10 talks, & 2 panel discussions were provided with the topics of interest including smart energy, smart transportation, smart building, smart public safety and smart healthcare.  Over 200 participants were joined in this event.

Our Youth team was actively participated in the Organizing Committee (OC) team of this event in the past three years.  Mr. Derek Lee, our Chairman of Youth team of HKETA was invited to be Vice Chairman of the OC team this year to support and organize the industry talks and programs for the symposium. 

In this year, Remote Technology, one of our HKETA corporate members, won the champion of the Hong Kong Electronics Division Project Competition 2016 (HKEPC 2016) under Industry Category.  They are also invited to provide a talk for “A Case of SmartCon” in the Symposium.