
HKETA Joined Partnership with Arrow Open Lab


Hong Kong, 8 Aug, 2016 – Hong Kong Electronics and Technologies Association (HKETA), a non-profit technology association aims to promote entrepreneurship and foster business synergies for local industry of electronics and technologies in Hong Kong announced today that partnership is formed with Arrow Open Lab and our Youth Sub-committee.   Our Youth team has been established in early 2014 and her target is to develop an innovative platform for career development, mentorship service, and drive the synergy for the young people continuing to passion on the technology market. 

Arrow Open Lab has been launched in June 2016 at Hong Kong Science Park to support our Hong Kong’s innovation and technology development.  They target to technology entrepreneurs and corporations pursuing innovation and product development in Hong Kong and help local developers to enhance product design, shorten the development cycle and reduce costs.

In this partnership, Arrow Open Lab provides engineering service and technical consultation to our student members and startups of our young corporate members to design their products and accelerate the development cycle of hardware and software solutions.  Especially in the electronics and engineering fields, they can support in engineering expertise in areas of network connectivity, sensing and controlling and system integration. 


“Arrow Open Lab provides a very good engineering platform for local startups in the commercialization process.   Our Youth team can utilize this facility with our mentorship service to strengthen our members’ engineering capability and leverage engineering resources. They also help us to nurture young professional in local Universities for enhancing any electronics, robotics and Internet of Things (IoT) design projects in industrial level.” said Derek Lee, Youth Chairman. 


“Arrow Open Lab recognizes HKETA Youth Sub-committee to provide career development for graduates in local University and mentorship service for startups in Hong Kong.  We are impressed with HKETA’s efforts to foster the growth of local entrepreneurship and technology industry in Hong Kong.  We are glad to support their Youth team and young members on their journey to bring their innovative ideas to life,” said Esmond Wong, VP, Supplier Marketing – Semiconductor.


For more HKETA Youth sub-com information, please visit

For more Arrow Open Lab information, please visit